Things to see

Ethnographic museum "Dondi-Yurt" (Ethno-village).

Ethnographic museum

The museum includes the following stone buildings:
- Towers (sentinel, residential, semi-militant, semi-living, combat, signal, and half-ruined).
- The village in the shape of the old villages from the 5th century to the 20th centuries.
- Stone crypts from the 14th century.
- A prayer house from the 17th century.
- Ancient buildings from the 17,18, and 19th centuries.
There are about 10 thousand exhibits in the museum, including the item from the Jurassic Period.
Since the day of its work the museum has become world famous.
Tourists from more than 117 countries have already visited the museum.
And thanks to this we are included in the world encyclopedia together with the founder of the museum Adam Satuev.
The museum (Dondi-Yurt) annually receives about 1500 tourists.
The museum stores the items from bronze, copper, and stone ages. In 2016, the museum won the Presidential grant and we are proud of these achievements in the sphere of spiritual and moral education of our youth.

Address: Merzoeva Street, 114, Urus Martan.
Instagram: dond_095
Phone: +7928-290-54-90; +7963-594-37-00